The Beast Within
(from Revelation 1:3)
Blessed is he who reads aloud the words of the prophecy And blessed are those who hear And who keep what is written the rein
For the time is near (from Revelation 1:7)
He is coming with the clouds And every eye will see him Everyone who pierced him And all the tribes of the earth will wail on account of him (from Revelation 2:1-4)
Those of you who have not learned what some call the deep things of Satan
I know your works, I know your toil, and your patient endurance
And how you cannot hear evil men
But have tested those who call themselves apostles, but are not
And found them to be false
I know that you are enduring patiently and bearing out for my namesake
And you have not grown weary
But I have this against you
That you have abandoned the love you had
(from Revelation 2:9-10)
I know your tribulation and your poverty
And the slander of those who say that they are Jews, but they are not
They are a synagogue of Satan
Do not fear what you are about to suffer
Behold the devil is about to throw you into prison
Wanting, needing, waiting for you to justify my love
Hoping, praying for you to justify my love
(from Revelation 13:1-10)
And I saw a beast rising out of the sea with ten horns and seven heads
And a blasphemous name upon its head
And the beast that I saw was like a leopard
Its feet were like a bear's
And its mouth was like a lion's mouth
And to it the dragon gave his power, and his throne, and great authorit
One of his heads had a mortal wound
But it seemed to have a mortal wound that was healed
And the whole earth followed the beast with wonder
Men worshipped the dragon for he had given his authority to the beast
And they worshipped the beast saying
Who is like the beast and who can fight against the beast?
And the beast was given a mouth uttering haughty and blasphemous words
And it was allowed to exercise authority for forty-two months
It opened its mouth to utter blasphemous words against God
It was allowed to make war on the saints and to conquer
And authority was given it over every tribe
And a people and tongue and nation
And all who dwell on earth could worship it in vain
If anyone has an ear let him hear
If anyone is to be taken captive, into captivity he will go
If anyone who slays with the sword, with the sword
Wanting, needing, waiting for you to justify my love
(from Revelation 21:1-8)
Then, I saw a new heaven and a new earth
And I heard a great voice from the throne saying:
"Behold the dwelling of God is with men
He will dwell with them, and they shall be his people
And God himself will be with them
He will wipe away every tear from their eyes
And death shall be no more
Neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore
For these things will have passed away
To the thirsty I will give water without price
From the fountain of the water of life
He who conquers shall have this heritage
And I will be his God and he shall be my son
But as for the cowardly, the faithless, the polluted
As for the murderers, fornicators, sorcerers, idolators, and all liars
Their lot shall be in the lake that burns with fire and brimstone.
(from Revelation 22:10-13)
And he said to me, he said to me:
Do not seal up the words of the prophecy, for the time is near
Let the evildoers still do evil, and the filthy still be filthy
And the righteous still do right, and the holy still be holy
Behold, I am coming soon
I am the alpha and the omega
The first and the last
The beginning and the end.
What are you gonna do?
***La Bestia Interior ***
(Apocalipsis Revelaciones 1:3)
Bienaventurado el que lee y los que escuchan la palabra de esta profecía y observan lo que está escrito en ella; porque el tiempo está cerca
(Apocalipsis Revelaciones 1:7)
Vedle que llega sobre las nubes y todo ojo le verá, hasta los que le atravesaron y se lamentarán por el todas las tribus de la tierra
(Apocalipsis Revelaciones 2:1-4)
Aquellos que no han aprendido lo que algunos llaman las profundas cosas de Satán
Conozco tus obras, tus fatigas, tu paciencia
Que no puedes soportar a los malos
Que has probado a los que se llaman apóstoles sin serlo
Y los has hallado falsos
Tienes paciencia y has sufrido por mi nombre sin claudicar
Pero tengo contra ti que has abandonado tu caridad de los comienzos
(Apocalipsis Revelaciones 2:9-10)
Conozco tu tribulación y tu pobreza, y la calumnia procedente de los que se dicen judíos, cuando no lo son, sino sinagoga de Satán.
No temas lo que vas a sufrir; mira, el diablo va a poner en prisión a algunos de vosotros
Queriendo, necesitando, esperándote para justificar mi amor
Aleando, rezando por ti para justificar mi amor
(Apocalipsis Revelaciones 13:1-10)
vi. subir del mar una bestia que tenía 10 cuernos y siete cabezas y nombres blasfemos sobre sus cabezas
La bestia que vi parecía una pantera
Sus pies como los de oso
Y su boca como la de un león
El dragón le dio su fuerza, su trono y un gran poder
vi. a una de sus cabezas como herida de muerte, pero su herida mortal había sido curada
Y la tierra entera seguía maravillada a la bestia
Adoraron al dragón porque había dado un poder a la bestia
Y adoraron a la bestia diciendo
¿Quien es semejante a la bestia, quien es capaz de luchar contra ella?
Se le dio una boca que decía grandes cosas y blasfemias
Y se le dio poder de actuar cuarenta y dos meses
Abrió su boca para blasfemar contra Dios
Se le dio el hacer la guerra a los santos y vencerlos
Se le dio poder sobre toda tribu, lengua y nación
Y la adoraron todos los habitantes de la tierra en vano
El que tenga oídos que oiga
El que esté destinado al cautiverio, irá al cautiverio
El que a morir a espada, es preciso que muera a espada
Queriendo, necesitando, esperándote para justificar mi amor
(Apocalipsis Revelaciones 21:1-8)
Y vi un cielo nuevo y una tierra nueva
Y oí una voz potente que salía del trono y decía
Esta es la morada de dios entre los hombres
Pondrá el su morada entre ellos y ellos serán su pueblo
Y el mismo dios estará con ellos
Enjugará cada lágrima de sus ojos
Y no habrá ya muerte, ni duelo ni gritos ni fatiga
Porque las cosas primeras han pasado
Al que tenga sed se le dará de beber gratis de la fuente del agua de la vida
El vencedor recibirá esta herencia
Yo seré su dios y el será mi hijo
En cuanto a los cobardes e infieles, los abominables criminales, los fornicadores envenenadores e idolatras, los embusteros todos, su parte es el estanque hirviente de fuego y azufre.
(Apocalipsis Revelaciones 22:10-13)
Y añadió, añadió:
No selles las palabras de la profecía, porque el momento se acerca
Que el inicuo haga alguna iniquidad, y el manchado se manche aún,
Que el justo haga aún la justicia
Y el santo se santifique aún
Yo voy a venir enseguida
Yo soy el alfa y la omega
El primero y el último
El principio y el fin
¿Qué vas a hacer?
Tema:the Beast within(version TGS)
Foto:outtake -Steven Klein ( Reinvention Tour 2004)
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